ZA Consultants assume no responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information on our website and the use of such information is at the recipient's own risk.Furthermore, we provide no assurances that any reported problems may be resolved with the use of any information given on our website.
We conduct our business based on principles complying with anti-money laundering regulations being developed and implemented by authorised international organisations.
All articles, reports and recommendations on our website as well as given in correspondence with customers should be interpreted as intended for academic and entertainment purposes only.
ZA Consultants nor any author, editor or consultant or any company referred to herein support or encourage directly or indirectly unlawful acts or illegal or fraudulent purposes.
We strongly recommend that you always consult an attorney familiar with the laws in your local area before implementing any of the options discussed in the articles or in communication with our consultants.
At ZA Consultants we develop bespoke offshore solutions that are based on our finely-tuned understanding of our clients' current financial structure and the jurisdictions in which we operate.» More Detail
Pros & Cons
Offshore investments are often discredited within the media, which gives the impression that they are used by investors who wish to conceal their money through an illegal investment outfit located on an obscure Caribbean island which carries no tax obligations.» More Detail
ZA Consultants are able to provide a full range of consultancy services for individuals and corporation who are looking to enlist our help when utilising offshore jurisdictions and their facilities.» More Detail